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Learning how to live more sustainably, everyday tips and tricks
The Ultimate List of Zero Waste School & Office Supplies
How to Live Zero Waste with Pets // Eco Living with Dogs and Cats
Where do I find my Congressmen/Senators to write letters to the government??
Myths about Green Energy and why They're not True // Busting Common Green Energy Myths
What is Wishcyclying? Am I recycling incorrectly?
What Makes Laundry Sheets Eco-Friendly // TruEarth Laundry Detergent Review
The truth about thrift stores // where do our donated clothes actually end up?
Why Amazon is bad for the planet (packaging, emissions, etc)
Ecopreneurship: Mix Business With Sustainability for Success
Zero Waste Gifts for the Holidays! Eco-Friendly Gift Guide 2021
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The Simple Environmentalist!
My name is Emma. I am working on living more sustainably, one day at a time, one easy swap at a time. I am here to give you my tips as I learn them...